Check out our exciting events and traditions below.
P-Dub's SYR
Did you think you left dances in high school? Think again! A big part of Notre Dame student life is attending "SYR" dances, named for the previously held tradition of setting-up-your-roommate with a date for the dance (a tradition that is rarely, if no longer, practiced). These themed dances are a blast, and most dorms on campus host one each year. The dances are hosted at various venues around campus, including but not limited to South Dining Hall, the Dhanke Ballroom, and the LaFun Ballroom.
P-Dub's Closet
PDub’s Closet is one of our signature events. Every year, we collect gently used clothes from across campus, and students who donate can choose to get some ~new-to-you~ clothing items or win some raffle prizes! You can usually find some cool PW and ND gear here, too!
Queen Week
PDub’s annual spirit week, aka Queen Week, takes place in February. It is characterized by a week full of friendly section v. section competition, dress up themes, and section dectoring, each section competing to crown their “princess” as “queen.” The week is concluding with our annual formal (endearingly dubbed as “PDormal”).
Carnation Sale
PDub’s carnation sale is our longest standing tradition. During the week of Valentine’s Day, students are able to purchase carnations to be delivered to anyone on campus’s door. All proceeds go to St. Margaret’s House.
Women's Empowerment Week
Women’s Empowerment Week is PDub’s newest signature event. In March, we devote a week to women’s empowerment through volunteering at St. Margaret’s, planning a brunch open to the whole campus, and other fun events around campus such as “Pizza Rolls for Powerful Women” and letter writing.
Run for a spot on our hall council. To get an idea of executive and commissioner positions available, click the link above. Elections are held each spring!
Wear your purple with pride! Invest in some priceless P-Dub wear; ideal for showing off the greatest dorm on campus and for cozy study clothes.
Represent P-Dub on the field or court! Check out the link above to see how to get involved with interhall sports, or email the Athletic Commissioner with questions.